Artist: @syni_bread

Hi! I'm Flaux Azalea, a hobbyist writer with experience in writing fanfiction, contributing to scenarios in homebrewed tabletop roleplaying, and a project writer for the Dokibird Public Squad. Writing has always one of my passions and I love exploring worldbuilding & character relationships through putting pen to paper.If you're interested in my work, click on the Prose button below for excerpts of my work and links to the stories! Hope you enjoy!


If you want to see the kinds of works I write, here are a few I'm proud of!You can click on the title of the relevant work if you would like to read it in full! I will also provide the URL below the title.


Little Red Hoodlen and the Quest for the Robocape

I worked closely with the Dragoon Project Squad in 2023 as the lead writer for this storybook project!

Fanfiction and hobby writing works

Just like Old Times

Synopsis: Amelia Watson has received word of some suspicious activity off the coast of West Canada. Mumei is sent to investigate the situation but she already knows an old friend will probably have it handled long before she gets there. Mumei knows only one lunar sky dragon that would stick her nose into this business, after all.

“Heya. Thought you’d be here, Selen.”
The woman turned to look at Mumei, her eyes widening when they made eye contact. “M-Mumei?” she managed to get out in between tired breaths. “Wh-what are you doing here?”Mumei entered the clearing and approached her, taking an extra-large step to avoid stepping onto the head of an unconscious woman at her feet. “Heard there was something going on around here. I know you live close by, so I figured you’d be on the case pretty soon. I came to check anyway. Y’know, just in case.”Selen let out a big sigh and grinned, combing her hair with her fingers in an attempt to tidy it up. Small bundles of her purple locks remained matted against her sweaty forehead. As she ran her fingers through her hair again, the sound of rubber snapping could be heard. One of her braided pigtails came loose, and the lunar sky dragon rolled her eyes before returning her gaze to Mumei. “You should’ve showed up fifteen minutes ago, then. We could’ve taken them out together, just like old times.”Mumei perked up at that. “Just like old times…you mean, like, back when we first met?”“Yeah, man, that was pretty fun,” Selen snickered, resting her hands against her waist. “We kicked some major ass back then.”“The Council never forgot about that, by the way,” Mumei laughed, shrugging her shoulders. “We still have your record, and I think Ame still has it in her office somewhere. You have your own file, y’know.”Hearing that, Selen’s tail struck the ground once with a loud scrape while she let out an exasperated groan. “Aw, c’mon, Mumei; I thought you were gonna sweep that under the rug for me. It was for a good cause, remember?”“I did my best, Selen. And yeah, we did know that you were doing it to free imprisoned dragons, so we know where you were coming from…it’s just, y’know…” Mumei tilted her head by a few degrees, smiling. “…you did burn down a few villages and cities too.”Selen gave her a flat stare. “I mean, they were literally making food out of dragons and wearing our skins and scales as a fashion statement, Mumei.”

Out of Character

Synopsis: Selen's gotten used to acting as Pomu's fake girlfriend every time the fairy wants to get some couple's discounts.But on this Valentine's Day, she's a bit tired of acting the part.

“Ooh~ Selen’s got plans? On Valentine’s Day? And you didn’t tell me? I thought we were homies, man. Who’s the lucky someone?”
Selen smirked, putting her coffee cup to her lips. “Like I’m telling you.”Pomu clicked her tongue and made a face. “C’mon, it’s not like I’m gonna let anyone else know. It can be between us bros. Girl Scouts’ honor. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye, y’know?”Selen rolled her eyes. “Fat chance. What about you? Got time to kill after you’re done eating your cake?”“Dodging the question, huh? Fine, whatever.” Pomu put her finger to her chin. “Hmm…plans after this? Not exactly. I was probably just gonna go home. Maybe play a game, prep for my stream tomorrow. Take a nap, probably.”“Cool. Come with me, then. I need to buy a few things before I meet up with the person.”“You’re gonna drag me along to do your shopping with you, Selen? What is this, manual labor? You can lift a dozen bags. What do you need me for? You literally have a big freakish dragon arm that can probably lift three bodybuilders after they’ve downed three days’ worth of protein powder.”

Looking up to the Moon

Synopsis: The Nijisanji crew is on a company retreat for team building and building rapport between all of the members. As luck would have it, Aia's partner for today is someone she didn't expect.

Aia laughed. “More people need to get to know you, then. I’m glad that I got paired up with you today as my buddy.”
Selen blinked, confused. “Buddy?”“Oh right, you weren’t at the hall when they gave the activity.” Aia fished the piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Selen. “See? They assigned us all buddies for the rest of the day. We’re supposed to spend the remaining hours we have for today with our buddies, getting to know them and deepening bonds, yada yada yada. We drew names out of a fishbowl and I got yours.”Selen nodded in understanding. “Huh. I thought they would have given you a partner from your own wave like Scarle or Ren. Sorry, I was busy so I wasn’t around for the morning activities. I didn’t know that this was a thing. Is that why you came here? You were looking for me?” Aia nodded and Selen laughed apologetically, scratching her cheek. “Uh, sorry that you had to come find me.”“No, it’s okay. I understand why you weren’t around. You were busy, after all. Besides,” Aia gestured to the gardens that surrounded them. “I think that so far, we’ve been making great time on the ‘getting to know each other’ front.”“True.” Selen grinned, getting to her feet and placing her hands on her hips. Her tails swished through the air behind her, excited and full of energy. “Well, I guess you’re stuck with me for today, then. What do you wanna do, then? Any retreat activities you didn’t get to do yet with the other members of Iluna?”“Hmm…” Aia put a finger to her lips. She hadn’t thought this far ahead so now that she was being put on the spot, she didn’t know what to say. “…do you have any ideas, Selen-senpai?”“First, drop the whole senpai thing, Aia. You don’t need to be so rigid with me. Seriously, it feels weird to be called that.”“U-um…okay, then…Selen.”Aia felt weird, saying the name without the honorific. It was a habit she’d gotten into as a sign of respect to others, especially to people she knew ought to be respected. “A-anyway…I don’t really know what I want to do. I think I’ve done a lot of the activities here already…but if you want to do any of them, I don’t mind going again.”“Hmm…” Selen glanced at Aia and then looked back at Ember. “…I have an idea. But are you up for it?”“Up for what?”“Dragon riding.”

Something New

Synopsis: It's a quiet day at the archives and Shiori is walking through the shelves, searching for something interesting to while away the time. But today is the start of a rollercoaster.

The white-haired girl giggled and walked up to Shiori, taking a large step to avoid the pile of sharp crystals on the floor, and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you. You can call me Bijou.”
Shiori decided that attempting to logically process what she had just witnessed was futile and took Bijou’s hand. “U-um…hi, nice to meet you. I-I’m Shiori Novella,” she said, cursing inwardly when she heard herself stutter.“That’s a cute name!” Bijou nodded her head, shaking Shiori’s hand firmly. “Are you in charge here?”“Yeah,” Shiori folded her arms over her chest. “I’m the Archivist of this place. I make sure new books get sorted properly, I keep everything clean, and I make sure the whole place is orderly. I also protect the books here in case anyone gets any funny idea of stealing them.”Bijou shook her head. “We’re not here to steal them, don’t worry. We only wanted to borrow a book or two, if that’s what we need. I promise we’re gonna return it!”Shiori’s eyes narrowed. She regarded the sisters skeptically. “…I’m not sure how much I trust someone who asks to borrow things after they bust down the door. Especially the kind of door that hasn’t been so much as damaged for a few millennia. Who are you guys?”“I’m Fuwawa! And this is my sister-”“No, that’s not what I- you know what, never mind,” Shiori pinched her nose bridge and let out a deep sigh before returning her gaze to Bijou. “What are you looking for, anyway? It must be a big deal if you came here for it.”Bijou shrugged her shoulders. “Uh…well, we’re trying to break a magic seal.”“Uh huh,” Shiori tilted her head. “I hope you know how little that narrows things down.”Bijou pouted her cheeks and poked Shiori’s belly with her finger. “Don’t be mean. I was getting to the point.”“Sorry, go on.”


Azalea | 25 | He/Him | GMT+8

Writing History: I started fanfiction writing in 2014. I went on a hiatus from writing in 2018, and resumed writing in 2022. I began working with the Dragoon Project Squad in early 2023 as a fellow fan and writer for fan projects.Background: I have written many single-chapter stories, and I write some longer-form works as well. I tend to write ship-based content between two characters, leaning towards F|F, but I also like to experiment with worldbuilding-heavy imagery. Under my current penname as Flaux Azalea, I primarily write VTuber content and have experience with writing both SFW and NSFW scenarios.


Here are some of my socials, as well as my email address, if you want to get in contact with me!Email: [email protected]